/ owned by bin causes sshd to complain bad ownership

Claude Buisson clbuisson at orange.fr
Fri Jun 22 21:42:35 UTC 2012

On 06/22/2012 20:34, olli hauer wrote:
> On 2012-06-22 15:43, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
>> Hi freebsd-security at freebsd.org
>> On an 8.3-RELEASE running sshd, /var/log/auth.log
>> 	Jun 22 12:54:06 lapr sshd[57505]: Authentication refused:
>> 		bad ownership or modes for directory /
>> Until I did
>> 	chown 0:0 /
>> ( It was previously
>> 	drwxr-xr-x  25 bin   bin       1024 Jun 20 19:53 ./
>> )
>> The chown is consistent with all of 8.3 /bin also being root&  not bin,
>> BUT
>> Over use of Root seems Bad.
>> Our ownership scheme has degraded compared to early 1980s Unix, where
>> 	most bin&  lib files&  dirs were owned by bin, except for
>> 		- a few SUID bins that Needed root
>> 		- occasional administrator droppings,
>> 		  temporary accidental files that glared at the eyeball,
>> 		  as root, cos near all else was just bin.
>> IMO very little in a system should be user root.
>> Apologies, but to guide replies :
>> 	(after threads burnt by a troll on another list)
>> 	I'd not appreciate replies just along the lines of
>> 		 "It has to be to satisfy existing software".
>> 	I'd much rather receive replies along lines of
>> 		"What would be best ownership scheme, advantages&
>> 		disadvantages + should we change anything ?"
> Hm, I just found an old Dennis_v5 release from 1974 and / was set to 0:3 which is today root:sys and not to 2:2
> If you look hard enough you will can find the v5root.tar.gz from 1974 on unixarchive.cn-k dot de or some other mirrors ;)


Revision 1.29: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Sep 14 08:34:45 1998 UTC (13 years, 9 months ago) by obrien
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.28: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.28: +6 -6 lines

Change file ownership from bin.bin to root.wheel.

This is the start of it for FreeBSD, going from 2.2.X to 3.X

> --
> Regards,
> olli

You are welcom,

Claude Buisson

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