DDOS problem from Bangkok, Thailand

Marc Silver marcs at draenor.org
Thu Mar 6 12:46:06 UTC 2008


I assume the DoS is coming from multiple machines all hitting you on port
80?  If it's from a specific address or range of addresses you should use
ipfw or pf to block it at a firewall level before it hits your machine.  Is
the DoS hitting one specific page or a whole bunch of different ones?

Sadly there is very little you may be able to do but if you provide more
information people on this list may be able to help you mitigate the threat

Most importantly, you should also consider contacting your upstream
providers so that they can take action.


On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 12:58 PM, kamolpat at dmaccess.net <
kamolpat at dmaccess.net> wrote:

> Dear Security team,
> I'm Kamolpat Pornatiwiwat, Sys admin of DMaccess Co., Ltd. I'm got the
>  problem, My FreeBSD 6.0 got Dos attacked. What should I do? At the
>  present, I decide to stop apache and leave only mail feature on
>  functioning. Any guide/recommend/solution will be appreciated.
> More detail about my server:
> ======================
> FreeBSD 6.0
> apache-1.3.34_4
> php5-5.1.2_1
> MySQL 5.0.20
> php.ini
> ======
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> ; Resource Limits ;
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> max_execution_time = 30     ; Maximum execution time of each script, in
> seconds
> max_input_time = 60     ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend
> parsing r
> memory_limit = 32M   (at the beginning it is 8M, I change to 32MB since
> the cause of httpd-error.log, however, it still the error as the following
> showed on httpd-error.log
> FILE:/var/log/httpd-error.log
> =====================
> Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted ....  happend like this
> all over  the log
> Thanks in Advanced,
> Kamolpat Pornatiwiwat,
> Sys admin
> DMaccess Co., Ltd.
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