setting up vpn client on a freebsd workstation

Martin Hudec corwin at
Sun Jan 22 12:10:59 PST 2006


Vaida Bogdan wrote:
> I have the following network:
> External Interface         External Interface
> ccc.ccc.ccc.ccc   
>       |                                               |
> --> VPN <--> Internet <--> FreeBSD Client (NATed extip: bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb)
>        |
> FW-1 Protected Net
> ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd/24
> VPN: ipsec freeswan (UDP encapsulated tunnel)
> ccc.ccc.ccc.ccc has port 136/UDP open for this
> I also have the following certs: cert.pem, key.pem crl.pem and CA.pem
> I am behind internal ips allocated by dhcp.
> I need to connect to an ip in the Protected Net area.

Are you connecting to Windows VPN server or VPN router or what? Maybe 
net/pptp-client will be enough for you..


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