Rogue Processes

Dev Tugnait dev at
Sun Jan 15 13:41:01 PST 2006

On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 16:32 -0500, Igor Roshchin wrote:
> Dev,
> You might want to run lsof  and see if that would reveal
> any useful information. 
> I would look for where 
> awt_robot file is started from, and what files/sockets/.. it is using.
> The same is for netstat (just in case it is not the one that came
> with the OS).
> I didn't use FBSD 6.0, but I don't think awt_robot is anything standard
> for this version. There is a Java program with that name out there..
> I guess, you already searched Google for it, didn't you?
> HTH,
> Igor

Yeah i googled it awt_robot is from java although upon googling i came
across random stuff rather than the actual answer. 

lsof | grep netstat
Exit 1

Dev Tugnait <dev at>

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