SSH scans vs connection ratelimiting

Pieter de Boer pieter at
Sat Aug 19 19:48:58 UTC 2006


For months now, we're all seeing repeated bruteforce attempts on SSH. 
I've configured my pf install to ratelimit TCP connections to port 22 
and to automatically add IP-addresses that connect too fast to a table 
that's filtered:

table <lamers> { }

block quick from <lamers> to any

pass in  quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port 22 
modulate state (source-track rule max-src-nodes 8 max-src-conn 8 
max-src-conn-rate 3/60 overload <lamers> flush global)

This works as expected, IP-addresses are added to the 'lamers'-table 
every once in a while.

However, there apparently are SSH bruteforcers that simply use one 
connection to perform a brute-force attack:

Aug 18 00:00:01 aberdeen sshd[87989]: Invalid user serwis from
Aug 18 00:00:03 aberdeen sshd[88010]: Invalid user serwis from
Aug 18 00:00:05 aberdeen sshd[88012]: Invalid user serwis from
Aug 18 00:00:10 aberdeen sshd[88014]: Invalid user serwis from
Aug 18 00:00:13 aberdeen sshd[88019]: Invalid user serwis from
Aug 18 00:00:14 aberdeen sshd[88021]: Invalid user serwis from

My theory was/is that this particular scanner simply multiplexes 
multiple authentication attempts over a single connection. I 'used the 
source luke' of OpenSSH to find support for this theory, but found the 
source a bit too wealthy for my brain to find such support.

So, my question is: Does anyone know how this particular attack works 
and if there's a way to stop this? If my theory is sound and OpenSSH 
does not have provisions to limit the authentication requests per TCP 
session, I'd find that an inadequacy in OpenSSH, but I'm probably 
missing something here :)


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