GID Games Exploits

Jimmy Scott jimmy at
Sun Oct 16 01:53:23 PDT 2005

On Sun, Oct 16, 2005 at 10:15:23AM +0200, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> +-le 16/10/2005 00:47 -0400, Kris Kennaway écrivait :
> | On Sat, Oct 15, 2005 at 09:39:27PM -0700, Stephen Major wrote:
> |> It has come to my attention that there are quite a few local exploits
> |> circling around in the private sector for GID Games.
> |> 
> |>  
> |> 
> |> Several of the games have vanilla stack overflows in them which can lead to
> |> elevation of privileges if successfully exploited.
> | 
> | Big deal..that's why they're setgid games (which can only write to
> | game data files) and not setuid anything important :-)
> It means that I can change my own score to something better, that's very
> important :-)

No ! It means you could access directory trees where your own group
would not have access to, for example on

[sdf] ~> ls -al /usr/pkg/bin/perl                                                
-rwx---r-x  2 root  users  22246 Aug  7 11:16 /usr/pkg/bin/perl

Groups are frequently used for negative permissions, because ACL's would
be overkill or not possible on the filesystem in question.

> -- 
> Mathieu Arnold
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