FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-05:21.openssl

Jacques Vidrine jacques at
Thu Oct 13 13:44:32 PDT 2005

On 2005-10-12, at 12:10 :19, Peter Jeremy wrote:

> On Tue, 2005-Oct-11 09:45:53 -0700, Jacques Vidrine wrote:
>> On Oct 11, 2005, at 7:25 AM, Ian G wrote:
>>> Isn't the workaround obviously to switch off V2?
>> Yes.  Sorry that wasn't mentioned.
> That sounds like a good workaround.  How do I implement it?  I've
> looked through the documentation and can't find any reference to a
> runtime OpenSSL configuration file that would let me do this.

I'm not aware of a global option for OpenSSL, either.  Disabling  
SSLv2 would need to be handled by the application, i.e. turn off  
SSLv2 for each of your SSL/TLS applications.  Cheers,
Jacques Vidrine <jacques at>

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