Will 5.4 be an "Extended Life" release?

Brett Glass brett at lariat.org
Sun Apr 17 19:27:57 PDT 2005

At 07:42 PM 4/17/2005, Colin Percival wrote:
>FreeBSD 4.11 will be supported until at least January 2007.

Any chance of a 4.12, incorporating some of the last bits
that have been brought into 4-STABLE... especially the
security fixes? (Since this is the -security list, it seems
like a good place to ask.) It'd be nice to have one last
uniprocessor version of FreeBSD that's really solid and can 
be used for many years to come, while SMP is tinkered with
and perfected in time for the mass rollout of multicore
CPUs. (These CPU will really have "arrived" when they become
a standard feature in wide screen multimedia laptops. I
expect this to happen in 2007 or so.)


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