transparent cfs (tcfs)

Adam Laurie adam.laurie at
Fri Oct 22 05:33:10 PDT 2004

Yan Wang wrote:
> Richard,
> Thank you for your information.
> I got the response of TCFS authors, a group at University of Salerno, Italy,
> saying they have stopped the project. My impression is that it is pretty
> tough to port from OpenBSD to FreeBSD. The kernel part is very different.
> No wonder tcfs is not available at
> Interestingly, I also got a response from OpenBSD community. They also
> stopped the project to include tcfs into OpenBSD, because the software
> license problem. tcfs was not intended to be free.
> As far as I know, AT&T's CFS is based on the work of Matt Blaze. What I
> heard is that it is implemented at the user space, only supporting
> directory encryption not file-level. Richard, is this true? I might
> reconsider using CFS.

CFS maps an encrypted directory tree, so everything in it including 
files and sub-directories gets encrypted. i've been using it, without 
problems, for several years, and would have no hesitation in 
recommending it.

Adam Laurie                         Tel: +44 (20) 7605 7000
The Bunker Secure Hosting Ltd.      Fax: +44 (20) 7605 7099
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