Root users shell == no existant shell /bin/bash

Peter C. Lai sirmoo at
Fri Jul 9 03:33:43 PDT 2004

On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 11:58:35AM +0200, Anders Dahlqvist wrote:
> torsdagen den 8 juli 2004 17.29 skrev Brandon Grace:
> > I made a mistake setting my shell and have set the root users shell to
> > /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh. I am curiuos if anyone knows how to fix this.
> > The machines is FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE-p4 and does not have sudo only su.
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> ...and I gather that "su - toor" doesn't work either for some reason or other?

toor has a disabled (*) password by default. What Brannon should have done was
set a password for toor in the beginning, without mucking around with root's 
shell. But as a rule of thumb, you're probably superuser way too much if you 
develop an urge to change it shell anyway. 

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