Possible compromise ?

Peter Rosa prosa at pro.sk
Tue Jan 27 13:17:27 PST 2004

Thanks for pointing me. But lastlogin returns only local and only few last
If I understand well, the bottom of lastlogin is the oldest. So may be, that
connections was done in the deep past.

Anyway, I will reinstall this weekend :-(
Just to be sure.

Many thanks to everybody who spent time with me.

Peter Rosa

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nicolas Rachinsky" <list at rachinsky.de>
To: "Peter Rosa" <prosa at pro.sk>
Cc: "security at FreeBSD" <freebsd-security at freebsd.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: Possible compromise ?

> * Peter Rosa <prosa at pro.sk> [2004-01-27 21:44 +0100]:
> > As Mr. Anderson wrote, I tried last -f /var/log/lastlog and get, what is
> > attachment.
> > Unreadable chaos, bad dates. May be, lastlog has not exact structure for
> > last, isn't it ?
> The program to show /var/log/lastlog is lastlogin.
> Nicolas
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