Longest known unpatched FreeBSD security issue ?

Avleen Vig lists-freebsd at silverwraith.com
Wed Feb 11 23:12:32 PST 2004

On Wed, Feb 11, 2004 at 11:41:56AM -0500, Robert Watson wrote:
> (2) The problem is brought  to our attention in a manner which requires
>     coordination with other vendors providing the software or component --
>     this can introduce additional delays in the advisory cycle.  In the
>     past, we've seen coordination delays of up to (or maybe exceeding) a
>     month.  For example, CERT will aften schedule advisory releases three
>     weeks or more past initial notification.  I seem to recall one IP
>     stack issue across many vendors that actually tooks several months to
>     resolve.

Just out of curiousity Robert, which IP stack issue was this?

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