Q: Controlling access at the Ethernet level
Frankye - ML
listsucker at ipv5.net
Mon Apr 5 06:54:24 PDT 2004
On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 12:28:26 +0400
Andrew Riabtsev <resident at b-o.ru> wrote:
| VPN (pptp) solution work just fine both potop and mpd on server side
| and with any win box on client side, even win'95 with patch from
| microsoft.com. There is could be problem with MAC OS - i didn't find
| pptp-client for it but it should be, i think. Also FreeBSD and Linux
| has pptp-clients. And the last, you can use cheap hardware
| pptp-clients in situations like with MAC OS for example Allied Telesyn
| AR-221E.
FWIW, MacOSX includes a pptp client in the base system, I don't know how
good however.
For MacOS classic (i.e.: <=9) there _was_ a (commercial) pptp client
called "tunnel builder", but the producer seems to no longer exist and/or
not support the thing anymore.
I've found a website which still offers it at
http://www.macadsl.com/logiciels/?cat=client%20de%20connexion but it's
priced at USD 99 (!).
Hope that helps
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