Nikolay Kanchev niki at amk-drives.bg
Mon Sep 29 23:09:27 PDT 2003

You should enable ICMP protocol to your server from You are want - LAN or
ICMP protocol is used by ping utility.
When You add IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK Your firewall stop all, that is not
allowed, including ICMP packets and You can't ping server.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "echelon" <e_chelon at yahoo.com>
To: <freebsd-stable at freebsd.org>; <freebsd-security at freebsd.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 4:27 AM
Subject: IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK & No route to host

> Hi,
> After the option IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK is specified at kernel conf on
FreeBSD 4.8 stable (cvsup'd
> with tag RELENG_4_8), the machine cannot be ping'd by others on the same
> In addition, the machine cannot ping itself.
> ping localhost (or -> no route to host
> ping itself with its own ip address -> no route to host
> The freebsd box, with an external pppoe connection, is configured as a
gateway with nat.
> Interestingly, all machines on the lan can access the internet via the
freebsd box normally even
> though the freebsd box cannot be ping'd from these machines.
> The routing table is fine. All these problems go away if I remove the
> IPFILTER_DEFAULT_BLOCK from the kernel conf. I make clean before
> Thank you.
> e_chelon
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