OpenSSH heads-up

Devon H. O'Dell dodell at
Tue Sep 16 13:12:23 PDT 2003

tburress at wrote

>On Tue, 16 Sep 2003, Devon H. O'Dell wrote:
>>Using buffer46.patch you provided in the earlier email here (haven't
>>tried the SA) I was unable to patch a 5.1-REL system -- both hunks
>>failed. I think there were a couple extra comments in the header, but
>>I'm not sure; I didn't look too hard. I just edited it by hand.
>I got it to work on 5.1-REL using buffer46.patch; I used the patch as it
>came from the email above, and everything went smoothly.
Ah well. Unless anybody's terribly worried that I've got some sort of 
horrible trojan (you know, one of those non-existant ones that turns a 
typecast into a rootshell), I think I'm okay. ;).


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