Best way to filter "Nachi pings"?

David G. Andersen danderse at
Mon Oct 27 08:32:48 PST 2003

Brett Glass just mooed:
> At 03:17 AM 10/27/2003, Jarkko Santala wrote:
> >Blocking
> >all ping packets to improve security is nothing more than security through
> >obscurity. It may hide your system against the simplest ping probes, but
> >it does nothing to improve security as such.
> In our case, there's a more compelling reason.
> Some of our customers' system administrators have utilities
> which ping their servers from their home Internet connections
> to make sure everything's working. If I were to block pings,
> all of these guys' (and gals') pagers and cell phones would go 
> off at once. I'd be beseiged with demands to remove the block 
> immediately.

  Rate-limit them with dummynet on somewhat selective per-subnet
basis.  It's not perfect, and increases the latency perceived by
customers running ping, but it helps a lot compared to doing 


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      MIT Laboratory for Computer Science 
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