/var partition overflow (due to spyware?) in FreeBSD default install

Eric Anderson anderson at centtech.com
Fri Oct 24 05:45:34 PDT 2003

Brett Glass wrote:

>>Just how large is /var on the
>>machine where you're seeing this problem?
>On the machine from which I took those messages, it's 256M.
Personally, on all the machines I build, I have the luxury of having 
decent sized hard drives in them, and I never have a /var partition that 
small.  256M can be swallowed by all sorts of crazy things that spam to 
/var/log/messages.  I typically make my /var partition at least 1gb, but 
never smaller.

Making the /var partition larger doesn't *fix* the problem, but it gives 
you more time to be aware of a problem and react to it. 


Eric Anderson	   Systems Administrator      Centaur Technology
All generalizations are false, including this one.

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