4.6-R (Was: Re: FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-03:18.openssl)

Jacques A. Vidrine nectar at FreeBSD.org
Mon Oct 6 05:04:49 PDT 2003

On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 12:12:45PM -0500, D J Hawkey Jr wrote:
> According to a HEADSUP sent out by Jacques, RELENG_4_6 was supported by
> SA-03:15, and the CVS tree updated. RELENG_4_6 was also supported by
> SA-03:18, but I'm not certain if its CVS tree was updated (neither the
> HEADSUP nor the SA explicitly says so, but I'll bet it has been).

Yes, the SA says so:

 Corrected: [...] 2003-10-03 20:24:59 UTC (RELENG_4_6, 4.6.2-RELEASE-p26)

> I'm not sure if RELENG_4_6 is EOL'd or not (though I think it is). Having
> said that, the Security team does release patches for EOL'd releases as
> they see fit.

No need to guess.  See the table at 
<URL: http://www.freebsd.org/security/#adv >.

> > I was expecting to be able to manually patch my 4.6 sources 
> > and recompile just the crypto/secure subsystems but instead I was forced to 

Manual patching is really only recommended for gurus.  Please use
CVSup and report any problems.

> > upgrade to 4.8 which broke a ton of other stuff (mainly ports). Maybe I should
> > have moved to RELENG_4_7 instead. 

RELENG_4_7 was EoL'd on September 30.  Hmm, actually I think
I'll extend that to October 31, considering the delay on FreeBSD

Jacques Vidrine   . NTT/Verio SME      . FreeBSD UNIX       . Heimdal
nectar at celabo.org . jvidrine at verio.net . nectar at freebsd.org . nectar at kth.se

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