Impossible to IPfilter this?

Lupe Christoph lupe at
Thu Jun 12 11:41:36 PDT 2003

On Thursday, 2003-06-12 at 13:21:38 +0200, Gerhard Sittig wrote:

> In this scenario (would I be in the situation to have to filter
> this traffic:) I would wish for some flag or "handle" to recognize
> the different times the packet runs through the filter.  There is
> quite a hugh difference between "letting ESP/AH in at fxp0 and
> accept IPv4 -- maybe RFC1918 adresses -- from this tunnel (but
> not otherwise)" and "letting ESP/AH as well as IPv4 in at fxp0".
> Not wanting or having to extend the established filter syntax or
> the programming interface already laid out almost naturely makes
> the "interface" property of a packet one such handle.

I've used ipsec0 on Linux for similar purposes, and I would like to see
an IPSec interface in FreeBSD as well. As I said, I could not get GIF to
work with FreeS/WAN, so I'm stuck with the current interface-deprived
IPSec implementation.

But at least (and at last!) I can use IPFilter rules for IPSec traffic,
thanks to Crist's suggestion. Since I just want to prohibit traffic to
"this host", that's enough for me.

Thank you all,
Lupe Christoph
| lupe at       |  |
| "Violence is the resort of the violent" Lu Tze                         |
| "Thief of Time", Terry Pratchett                                       |

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