suid bit files + securing FreeBSD (new program: LockDown)

Peter Rosa prosa at
Sun Jul 27 06:45:08 PDT 2003

It sounds very good... Event more to write it...
I'm sorry, I can not help you as I'm not programmer (some basics only).

Good luck with your plan and, please, announce it here atfter finishing.

Best regards

Peter Rosa

----- Original Message -----
From: "Socketd" <db at>
To: <freebsd-security at>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: suid bit files + securing FreeBSD (new program: LockDown)

> On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 09:57:10 +1000
> Peter Jeremy <PeterJeremy at> wrote:
> > > But what files REALLY MUST have it ?
> >
> > There's no simple answer to this.  It's a matter of going through each
> > file with setuid (or setgid) set, understanding why that file has the
> > set[gu]id bit and whether you need that functionality.
> Robert Watson is going through all the setuid files, to see which really
> need to be setuid. In -CURRENT he has removed the setuid bit from quota.
> Anyway I have been thinking about writing a program to make the default
> installation (with "extreme" security) even more secure. I have attached
> the configuration file, it should explain what the program can do. (not
> one line of code have been written yet).
> Btw setting noexec and nosuid on a mount point is a little redundante
> right? I mean since the user can't execute files, there is no point in
> also setting nosuid?
> Best regards
> Socketd
> ps: Please remember that the LockDown configuration file is only version
> 0.1, so nothing is final.


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