Looking for PCI express SCSI diff card recommendations

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Sun Jan 13 22:22:19 UTC 2019

I have an existing SCSI differential PCI card which works. I want to consolidate
some services into another chassis, so I am looking for a similar / equivalent card
for a PCIE slot.

This is a photo of the connector, showing the SCS symbol.  https://twitter.com/DLangille/status/1084566640887562240 <https://twitter.com/DLangille/status/1084566640887562240>

I am looking for help in locating a replacement. I do not know what to search for.

I think that is a n HD68 connector, but I'm failing to find something on eBay.

Guidance please, especially if you can think of a model number to search for.

Thank you.

Dan Langille - BSDCan / PGCon
dan at langille.org

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