how to format an ide hard disc in a usb enclosure

Julian Stacey jhs at
Fri Sep 5 15:18:47 UTC 2008

> From:		Ross <westr at> 
> Reply-to:	Ross <westr at> 
> Date:		Fri, 5 Sep 2008 10:57:05 -0400 
> Message-id:	<1741743380.20080905105705 at> 

Ross wrote:
> JS> Thanks to both for trying, but I still hope for a 1st usefull response.
> JS> Repeat: Can FreeBSD generate & pass scsi commands
> JS> over USB that a ISB to IDE enclosure will take & use to format.
> Do you know about "camcontrol" - it allows you to issue pretty well
> any scsi command to devices.
> Whether it'll do it over a usb device, I don't know - I've never
> tried.

Thanks Ross,
per my original post:
	camcontrol format da0
	  You are about to REMOVE ALL DATA from the following device:
	  camcontrol: scsiformat: error sending inquiry
	camcontrol format 3:0:0
	  You are about to REMOVE ALL DATA from the following device:
	  camcontrol: scsiformat: error sending inquiry

yes I tried it, though I'm not experienced with it either,
I'm hoping someone here on scsi@ might know if it shoudl work over USB bus
(or if no one knows I could later ask on usb@ list.

Julian Stacey: BSDUnixLinux C Prog Admin SysEng Consult Munich
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