isp - error/scsi message

Ross westr at
Mon Jul 14 16:31:52 UTC 2008

SB> Ross wrote:
>>>> -=
>>>> kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 0 1 10 eb bf 0 0 20 0
>>>> kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
>>>> kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): SCSI Status: Check Condition
>>>> kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): UNIT ATTENTION asc:2a,6
>>>> kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): Reserved ASC/ASCQ pair
>>>> kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): Retrying Command (per Sense Data)
>>>> -=

SB> Is it possible that something in one of the PATH's is failing?

Might be possible, but I don't think so - everything is heavily
monitored (HP c7000 blade w/brocade switch into dual controller EVA).

We're also using the gmultipath geom package to handle path failure,
and it hasn't triggered at all.  (it fails over nicely in testing at

SB> Moreover, is the LUN failing due to this message, or is this just a 
SB> message that you are seeing now and again?

It's just an occasional message and doesn't seem to cause any
performance degradation - I'm wondering if it's the dual active/active
controller on the EVA trying to force some load balancing or

Basically I'm just trying to find out what the actual message means or
in what circumstances it would be generated, so I can do some more



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