isp - error/scsi message

Ross westr at
Thu Jul 10 19:10:54 UTC 2008

I'm getting the following error every so often, and I'm wondering if
someone else has had it and knows what it means.

kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 0 1 10 eb bf 0 0 20 0
kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): SCSI Status: Check Condition
kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): UNIT ATTENTION asc:2a,6
kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): Reserved ASC/ASCQ pair
kernel: (da0:isp0:0:0:1): Retrying Command (per Sense Data)

A quick google of the ASC/ASCQ code gives the message "ASYMMETRIC
ACCESS STATE CHANGED", which I'm wondering has something to do with
the fact that the corresponding lun is accessible via multiple paths
(4 paths - 2x isp QHM2432 adapters).

If anyone can help shed some light on this, I'd be grateful!



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