Lan Tran lan at hangwithme.com
Mon Jan 7 09:51:24 PST 2008

I'd like to direct connect a FreeBSD-6.2 system to an EMC AX100 SAN 
using 2 QLogic 23xx series HBAs.  Here is the dmesg output:
isp0: <Qlogic ISP 2312 PCI FC-AL Adapter> port 0xec00-0xecff mem 
0xdfdff000-0xdfdfffff irq 39 at device 12.0 on pci2
isp0: Polled Mailbox Command (0x2) Timeout
isp0: Polled Mailbox Command (0x8) Timeout
device_attach: isp0 attach returned 6

isp1: <Qlogic ISP 2312 PCI FC-AL Adapter> port 0xdc00-0xdcff mem 
0xdfbff000-0xdfbfffff irq 37 at device 11.0 on pci3
isp1: Polled Mailbox Command (0x2) Timeout
isp1: Polled Mailbox Command (0x8) Timeout
device_attach: isp1 attach returned 6

During boot the system would hang after for awhile then continue.  I 
have created a LUN and assigned it to this system, but the OS does not 
see it.  What am I missing?  What commands should I try from the OS?  
Does anyone have a similar setup working with the QLogic HBAs?  AX100 
used to be connected to RHEL but I want to use FreeBSD instead :).


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