mfistat utility for LSI SAS controller

Doug Ambrisko ambrisko at
Fri Jan 26 00:54:05 UTC 2007

Ken Menzel writes:
| Would anyone be working on an mfistat utility similar to the amrstat 
| utility for LSI Megaraid SAS controllers?  If not does anyone have 
| advice on how a competent C programmer might go about creating one?

There have been things done but can't be public due to NDA's.  However,
I'd suggest looking at the structures and code in /sys/dev/mfi for
some hints.  Not all of the DCMD's are there to do everything and
which structures they need to use.  So to do everything is going to
be hard.

The Linux MegaCli does some things but I found some feature don't
work like creating and deleting a RAID.  There is also an issue
that the FreeBSD driver doesn't have support handle this nicely
yet.  There are some ideas on how to do this and it isn't very

In theory with the Linux 2.6 emulation work we might be able to run
more of the Linux tools.  There are some loose end WRT signal
notification of AEN's to the user-land that the Linux driver

Doug A.

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