Quirk for this?

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Sat Feb 24 07:04:23 UTC 2007

In message: <7579f7fb0702231017rdc246ebqeface91c9d5481e3 at mail.gmail.com>
            "Matthew Jacob" <lydianconcepts at gmail.com> writes:
: > The question is: Given that I know that the first USB/CF adapter
: > always reports one too big, is there a way this can be fixed?
: There are two problems here that I see:
: a) The GEOM taste code cannot be overridden.
: b) How do we accomodate/detect broken h/w?
: I'm inclined to think that GEOM stuff cannot/should not be "fixed".
: The second question is the harder one.

I agree that GEOM shouldn't be the agent of change.

: You personally can fix this for yourself by doing your own specialized
: quirk matching and just adjusting the READ CAPACITY results
: accordingly. We have to ask whether this particular breakage is both
: widespread enough and the devices important enough to try and
: generalize some solution for.

So far I've only found one, and this is a device that is easily 4 or 5
years old.  If there's an easy way to cope, it is worth fixing.
However, it may be unique to my device...


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