iSCSI, where to look?

Brent Jones BJones at
Mon Nov 21 12:50:33 PST 2005

Hi there -

I'm about to deploy a server which I'm hoping can be FreeBSD based (long
time BSD user since the mid 80s...)  The need for iSCSI connectivity to
our SAN in the medium term future could however dictate that I go with a
(gulp) Linux installation instead.

Where can I find more information on the state of iSCSI and FreeBSD?
I'm quite willing to work as a tester.  If iSCSI looks like it will be
there in the next 12 months with FreeBSD, I can stick with it and not go
with Linux (I don't want to have to learn/support something new...).

I found a reference to FreeBSD and iSCSI on a web archive, so a pointer
to a FreeBSD/iSCSI mailing list or equivalent would be great.


J. Brent Jones, Manager, Technology Services
University of Otago, School of Business
Phone:  +64 3 479 8042

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