Open-iSCSI multi-platfrom implementation of iSCSI

Danny Braniss danny at
Wed Mar 30 04:22:26 PST 2005

> Hi Guys,
> is a new cool project which features some
> noticeable performance improvements for soft-based iSCSI Initiator plus
> other number of exciting abilities such as independent transport, multi-
> platform support and better user-space vs. kernel split.
> To achieve better portability and code reuse across platforms Open-iSCSI
> project moves 75% of the code to the user-space. Kernel is only concerns
> about data moving. Working implementation available for Linux-2.6.x.
> Read more on project's web page.
> Could we join your effort for existing iSCSI/CAM beta and Open-iSCSI?

sure, but how? we have similar objectives, ie, let the kernel do what it knows
best, and the user level do the rest. In my case:

	- login/discovery
	- connection/connection-recovery
	- data moving (which sounds a bit of an understatement)
	- answer to NOP_OUTs
the idea is that the kernel does most of the job, until the connection
breaks down, and then it's the user program's job to do the reconnect.

i've written so far some 8k lines of code (still missing some 2 months of
coding) and you have already done some 18k.

and then there is the little problem of GPL vs. BSD :-)

PS: I hope this does not sound too pessimistic, I realy would like to
join efforts.

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