Adaptec RAID controller hanging machine since upgrade to
4.8-RELEASE-p22. Hardware or Driver changes?
Scott Lambert
lambert at
Sun Jun 20 07:48:33 GMT 2004
I upgraded a machine from 4.7-STABLE to 4.8-RELEASE-p22 a couple of
weeks ago.
It has now stopped responding to anything other than ICMP requests
twice. The previous uptime was over 80 days. There is a web log rotate
script which runs at approximately that same time.
The error message on the console is (hand transcribed and third hand):
asr0: Blink LED 0x7 resetting adapter
The web log rotate script does this a few times for various values of
httpd-access.log before issuing an apachectl restart:
gunzip /var/log/httpd-access.log.0.gz
cat /var/log/httpd-access.log >>/var/log/httpd-access.log.0
gzip /var/log/httpd-access.log.0
rm /var/log/httpd-access.log
touch /var/log/httpd-access.log
( Yes, I realize how inefficient and bad that script is. It seems
designed to abuse the disk subsystem. It was written before I
inherited the system and I hadn't actually looked at the script before
tonight. )
I found a question about a similar message, s/0x7/0x3/, on a 2400S
in the FreeBSD-questions archives on July 2, 2003. I don't see any
follow-ups to that message. There is also an older three message thread
all from the same poster from October 14 and 16, 2002, about the 0x3
message on a 2100S saying that it had apparently been cured by replacing
the cache memory module on the controller.
So, it seems likely that I am suffering a hardware failure. However,
beginning so soon after the upgrade of the OS and the error number being
slightly different scare me that it could be caused by a change to the
asr driver. I decided to post this message tonight, just in case, and
talk to Adaptec tomorrow.
Scott Lambert KC5MLE Unix SysAdmin
lambert at
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