Dell CERC controller in 4.10 but not 5.2.1?

Bryan Fullerton bryanf at
Tue Jul 13 06:17:37 PDT 2004

I've noticed that the aac driver in 4.10-RELEASE-p2 includes support for 
the Dell CERC SATA controller, but the aac driver in 5.2.1-RELEASE-p8 does 
not. Is this because changes elsewhere in the kernel break CERC support in 
5.x, or has it just not been backported from -CURRENT to 5.x-RELEASE? Can I 
just add the line for the CERC controller to aac_pci.c in 5.x and expect it 
to work?

joe.bryanf:/build/src> diff RELENG_4_10/sys/dev/aac/aac_pci.c 
RELENG_5_2/sys/dev/aac/aac_pci.c | more
<       {0x9005, 0x0285, 0x1028, 0x0291, AAC_HWIF_I960RX, AAC_FLAGS_NO4GB,
<        "Dell CERC SATA RAID 2"},
<       {0x9005, 0x0285, 0x9005, 0x0292, AAC_HWIF_I960RX, AAC_FLAGS_NO4GB,
<        "Adaptec SCSI RAID 2810SA"},


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