SCSI tape data loss

Kern Sibbald kern at
Sun Jun 1 10:54:46 PDT 2003


I'm the author of a GPL'ed network backup program called
Bacula ( For the last three years, it
has been working flawlessly on Solaris and Linux systems.
When users attempted to use it recently on FreeBSD,
it did not work. I subsequently modified Bacula so that
it would work on FreeBSD -- basically, I had to program
around some important differences in the way FreeBSD 
handles EOFs compared to Solaris and Linux.  At some point
in the future, I would like to discuss the problems
I had in detail, if that interests you.

However, more recently Dan Langille did some extensive
testing writing a 6GB file to six tapes. This brought
out additional problems of the driver "freezing" the tape,
which I believe I have also programmed around, but worst
(and the main reason for this email), Dan discovered
that Bacula did not correctly read back the data that
was "supposedly" written to the tape.

We've now worked on this problem for several weeks, and
I believe we have now isolated the problem (data loss) to occur
when the end of medium is reached.

We have now confirmed that Bacula correctly wrote
to the tape, but when it was read back 13 blocks
of 64512 bytes were missing.

Below, I have listed in pseudo-language what
Bacula was doing. Each write with the exception
of the first block on the second tape is 64512

  first tape mounted
  write(block 1)
  write(block 1554);
  write(block 1555);   <=== block lost
  ...                  <=== blocks lost
  write(block 1567);   <=== block lost
  write(block 1568) failed because of EOM detected


  read() returned 0 bytes.
  new tape mounted.
  write(block 1); Tape pre-label
  write(block 1 again);
  write(block 1);  Tape label
  write(block 1568);  block not written to previous tape.

I have verified that Bacula did successfully write 1567 blocks to the
first tape, but in reading back the tape, blocks 1555-1567 are not
on the tape.

Now, the big question is: what caused the loss of those blocks?
The most likely causes I can think of are:

1. Bacula is doing something (e.g. MTIOCERRSTAT, or the MTBSF)
   to cause the data to be lost.  If this is the case, it is
   something specific to FreeBSD since this sequence of commands
   works on both Solaris and Linux (except that MTIOCERRSTAT is
   MTIOCLRERR on those systems).

2. The SCSI driver is doing asynchronous writes (very bad) and
   the End of Medium is not sent to Bacula until many writes after
   the end of the tape.

3. The SCSI driver has some sort of bug that causes buffers to be

There may be other possible reasons that I am unaware of at this moment.

Can you shed any light on this problem?

If you have any questions concerning the hardware, Dan 
(dan at will be able to provide the answers.

Best regards,


PS: I am not subscribed to the list so please copy me directly.

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