Problems installing onto DAC960 (Mylex Acceleraid250)

Scott Long scottl at
Mon Dec 29 15:05:44 PST 2003

On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, michael Alexander wrote:
> Ok, downloaded the 5.2RC2-i386-miniinst.iso, no luck.
> BIOS has an option of
> "PCI IRQs to IO-APIC Mapping"  (enabled/disabled)
> I didn't see anything else relating to APIC, or APCI(?)
> I set that to disabled.  No luck, Then I left it disabled and tried install
> w/o apic, still no luck.  Then I ran with logging and have the following
> messages on screen after the Waiting 15 seconds....

Did you select the 'Boot with ACPI disabled' option from the boot menu on
the CD?  Sorry if this is a dumb question, but people often transpose
'apic' and 'acpi', so I want to make sure.  I would try toggling both the
BIOS 'IO_APIC Mapping' option and the ACPI option on the CD boot menu.
If all four combinations fail to work, the only thing left to do is set
up a serial console and capture the boot output and email it out.  The
boot serial console is enabled by escaping from the CD boot menu and
typing 'boot -Dhv'


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