maintainer-feedback requested: [Bug 242703] net/rubygem-octokit deprecated class used

bugzilla-noreply at bugzilla-noreply at
Wed Dec 18 13:14:27 UTC 2019

Bugzilla Automation <bugzilla at> has asked freebsd-ruby mailing list
<ruby at> for maintainer-feedback:
Bug 242703: net/rubygem-octokit deprecated class used

--- Description ---
Recently got a problem using www/gitlab-ce which is using net/rubygem-octokit.
I can't paste here exact messages because I forgot to copy that to some place
this week-end.

It seems that I had to patch this file:

so that it does not use a deprecated '...ClientError' class, and had to replace
with 'Faraday::ClientError' instead of the one used when the package is
installed from packages. It should be located on line 14, and now is :

    class RedirectLimitReached < Faraday::ClientError

Sorry if this is not very clear.

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