rubygems 2.7 and updating devel/ruby-gems port

Thibault Jouan tj+freebsd_ruby at
Sun Nov 5 14:24:56 UTC 2017


  I learned some time ago about important changes in future versions
of ruby and rubygems, regarding bundler usage
( But I took the time to
prepare for those only recently.

  I attempted to update the devel/ruby-gems port myself, and thought I
should give some feedback about my attempt and that I could share some
questions I have. But maybe the update is in progress and/or my
questions will be counterproductive, in that case please don't
hesitate to tell me.

  My "work" is attached to this mail as a patch, but here are some

  * rubygems 2.7.0 lacks the bundler gemspec, which cause the setup.rb
    script to fail in
    `bundler_spec.files = ...' would fail as bundler_spec is nil, so I
    moved to 2.7.1 directly (fixed by 240b798 commit in upstream git
  * bundler gemspec requires the git program and the git repository, I
    worked around this using Dir.glob;
  * 909b5fb introduced `--[no-]regenerate-binstubs' option switch to
    the `setup' command which in my case failed as there are no gems
    installed at this point, since building devel/ruby-gems would be
    required before installing any gem. I changed the default for this
    option from true to false, as I think it's more sane, but
    alternatively --no-regenerate-binstubs could be added to
    RUBY_SETUP_OPTIONS in the Makefile I think. The `setup' command
    ignores this option, so I added a test before calling
    Gem::Commands::SetupCommand#regenerate_binstubs. For those last
    two points, I'll try to report a patch upstream, as it's not
    related to the FreeBSD port but looks like a bug.
  * Then in Gem::Commands::SetupCommand#install_default_bundler_gem
    again, I had a failure when calling Dir.entries on an nonexistent
    dir, which I changed to test directory existence first.

  I don't know if all those changes are correct, but the package
almost build in poudriere. The last (I hope) problem is this error I

    ====>> Checking for staging violations... done
    ====>> Error: Filesystem touched during stage (files must install to ${STAGEDIR}):
    extra: usr/local/lib/ruby/gems

  If I understand correctly this directory is created by
Gem::Commands::SetupCommand#install_rdoc, but as far as I understand,
it's the same with the port currently in the tree (2.6.14), so I must
miss something. I blocked on this issue, and did not yet try to force
building the port to play with it. I hoped to get the testport command
to pass first; I tested only with `DOCS' option enabled so far.

  If anyone has any idea about why I get the staging violation error,
I'd be happy to know (I started reading poudriere source code but do
not understand everything yet). I don't want to waste the precious
time of maintainers for ruby-related FreeBSD ports, so I'll understand
if I'll have to wait for the real update to happen.

  My update attempt is naive, I questioned myself if the "bundler"
part should stay an independent port, however I don't think it's
possible or easy to handle the fact that new rubygems would depends on
sysutils/rubygem-bundler… which itself would depend on rubygems
itself. I would have preferred rubygems did not start to use bundler,
but I think it's out of our control.

  I use this opportunity to thank all maintainers and committers
working on ruby related ports!

Thibault Jouan
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