[CFT] Bringing in Puppet 5

Romain Tartière romain at FreeBSD.org
Mon Jul 10 15:29:07 UTC 2017


I am contacting you because you are the maintainer of one of these

  - devel/leatherman (jslagle at gmail.com)
  - devel/cpp-hocon (jslagle at gmail.com)
  - sysutils/facter (ruby at FreeBSD.org)
  - databases/puppetdb3 (freebsd at zleslie.info)
  - databases/puppetdb4 (tj at FreeBSD.org)
  - databases/puppetdb-terminus3 (freebsd at zleslie.info)
  - databases/puppetdb-terminus4 (tj at FreeBSD.org)
  - sysutils/puppet4 (freebsd at zleslie.info)

Before committing my work, I would like you to have an opportunity to
say something if there are concerns about the following plan.  I also
would like to have feedback regarding this.

===> I have been working on preparing Puppet 5 inclusion, that is a
bunch of new ports:

  - databases/puppetdb5
  - databases/puppetdb-terminus5
  - sysutils/puppet5

I can take maintainership of these ports, I can give you maintainership
if you want it, or we can consider creating a puppet@ list and make it
maintainer of these new ports (and existing ones if you want).  Please
tell me what you think about this!

===> While creating these ports, I also took some time to see if we
could switch to the C++ version of Facter instead of the Ruby version by
default.  I think I achieved good results and submitted some PR

  - https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/1593
    (FACT-1709) Add support for memory fact on FreeBSD
  - https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/1595
    (FACT-1710) Support zfs/zpool facts on FreeBSD
  - https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/1596
    (FACT-1711) Fix zfs/zpool feature reporting
  - https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/1597
    (FACT-1712) Improve zpool_version fact resolution
  - https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/1598
    (FACT-1713) Add support for FreeBSD jails virtualization resolution
  - https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter/pull/1599
    (FACT-1714) Use posix::operating_system_resolver for bsd, freebsd and openbsd

===> If you want to test this, my WIP ports are available here on


I also documented the upgrade here:


(Note that the upgrade itself was really straightforward for me.  Please
tell me if it was not for you).

Thank you!

Romain Tartière <romain at FreeBSD.org>  http://people.FreeBSD.org/~romain/
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