[Stage-QA] Gemfile-Check - WIP

Nikolai Lifanov lifanov at FreeBSD.org
Fri Aug 4 13:48:41 UTC 2017

On 8/4/17 8:51 AM, Torsten Zuehlsdorff wrote:
> Aloha,
> inspired by lifanov and his work in PR 220605 to add a check for
> .gemspec of rubygems i tried myself with Gemfile.
> Background is, that checking the actual Gemfile of non rubygem-* ports
> is often very time-consuming. When building Gitlab, Redmine or others,
> everything is fine. But when executing they fail - because the Gemfile
> is not satisfied.
> Its WIP and my first try for an stage-qa script, so every comment is
> appreciated. It adds a stage-qa stage for every non rubygem- port. When
> executed i (intent) to scan for Gemfiles and checking every file with
> bundle check. If bundle fails, the stage-qa fails.
> It worked for simple test. If no Gemfile was present the test was
> skipped. If it is, bundle is executed. When removing a needed dependency
> it is found. Its also found when the dependency is indirect (not in
> Gemfile itself, but a dependency of an dependency listed there).
> But it don't work for net-im/mikutter for example and i don't know why.
> So any feedback would be fine! :)
> Greetings,
> Torsten


I think for something like this, a better initial approach is to make
this stage-qa target non-fatal, so warnings instead of errors.

At least initially it will cause less disruption and give porters an
opportunity to fix the errors.

I have two thoughts on it so far:

$(find ${STAGEDIR} -name Gemfile) is pretty heavy to do on every port.
Can we export something to QA_ENV from USE_RUBY and check for this instead?

Is "bundle" guaranteed to be installed for ports that ship a Gemfile?

Otherwise, it looks good and only has minor nits. Can we move this to
Phabricator? This will make it easier to review and iterate on.

Thank you!

- Nikolai

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