Patch for Rails Update

Torsten Zuehlsdorff tz at
Tue Sep 20 08:31:15 UTC 2016


i'm currently working on an update to Rails (which of course is 
needed by GitLab :D). Since its a security update it would be fine to 
get it into the ports-tree.

My first attempt was to update all rails-* ports but swills pointed me 
to a simple test, by running "rails new foo" on a clean installation. 
This reveals 16 needed updates. 15 of them are included in the attached 
diff, just the new port turbolinks-source is missing. I did not find any 
time for it.

Most of the updates are fairly easy and safe to commit, but since there 
are so many i found some more testers out there. Please check the 
updates by yourself and give feedback. Feel also free to commit them by 
yourself if you want.

Also: can anybody point me to the location were the needed dependencies 
were defined? I want to adjust the Makefiles but i can't figure out 
where they come from. I even make a clean install on a fresh ports-tree 
and did a "grep -RH" about all work-dirs, but did not find any clue. Any 
help would be great.

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