Feedback needed: www/redmine Update

Steve Wills swills at
Mon Jun 6 11:57:30 UTC 2016


On 06/ 6/16 06:26 AM, Torsten Zuehlsdorff wrote:
> Hello,
> i wrote an update for www/redmine. It would be very nice if some more
> people can test it, 

That's awesome, I'm glad to hear that, thanks for the work! I have an
install of redmine that I could use for testing. Where is the patch?

> since its skipping multiple major versions. The
> patch brings the port from 2.6.9 to 3.2.2.

Wouldn't that just be upgrading by one major version from 2.x to 3.x?

> Also i notices some more ports related to www/redmine. Namley:
> $ cd /usr/ports/ && find .  -name "*redmine*" -type d
> ./devel/rubygem-redmine_plugin_support
> ./www/redmine-backlogs
> ./www/redmine-basecamp
> ./www/redmine-http-auth
> ./www/redmine-sidebar_hide
> ./www/redmine
> ./www/rubygem-redmine_acts_as_taggable_on
> ./www/redmine-default_assign
> ./www/redmine-graphs
> ./www/redmine-issue_templates
> ./www/redmine-knowledgebase
> ./www/redmine-qa_contact
> ./www/redmine-redcarpet_formatter
> ./www/redmine-stuff_to_do
> ./www/redmine-wiki_notes
> Is there anybody who uses this ports and could verify if they still work
> after the update?

Do the plugins need to be updated too? Or just tested that they still
work? My install uses the sidebar_hide plugin and maybe one or two
others (can't recall right now, but will test).


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