[Gitlab] Call for help / ideas

Torsten Zühlsdorff info at toco-domains.de
Sun Jul 12 17:45:51 UTC 2015


the work at gitlab stucks at a bug. When installing gitlab i got this error:

=== Start ===

Adding limits to schema.rb for mysql

== Seed from /usr/local/www/gitlab/db/fixtures/production/001_admin.rb
rake aborted!
can't modify frozen ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess

=== End ===

After research this has 2 reasons. First: mysql is not used. Therefore 
its an error to try installing a scheme for it ;)
Second: gitlab is based at Rails 4.1.11, while we provide 4.2 in the 
ports-tree. When using 4.1.x the installation went fine. The behavior of 
activerecord changed between 4.1 and 4.2.

Now i have to choices:
- adding rails 4.1 ports just for gitlab (and drop them when no longer 
- patching gitlab to run which rails 4.2

I personally think the second option is the best seen in long term. But 
i have just a limited amount of time, gitlab is huge and i don't believe 
its a good idea to do this without the gitlab team. Therefore this will 
take long.

The first idea seems dirty. But on the other hand there are already a 
bunch of ports added (and some more needed) just for gitlab.

But you are the guys which the most experience: what should we do? Or do 
you have more ideas?

Thanks for your help,

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