Ports with duplicate LATEST_LINKs

Ports Index build indexbuild at FreeBSD.org
Wed Feb 5 12:39:47 UTC 2014

Dear port maintainers,

The following list includes ports maintained by you that have duplicate
LATEST_LINK values.  They should either be modified to use a unique
PKGNAME, e.g. by using PKGNAMESUFFIX.  Note that NO_LATEST_LINK is
deprecated.  See the portmgr blog post for more information:

Erwin "Annoying Reminder Guy III" Lansing

LATEST_LINK          PORTNAME                       MAINTAINER          
rubygem-arel         databases/rubygem-arel         ruby at FreeBSD.org    
rubygem-arel         databases/rubygem-arel3        ruby at FreeBSD.org    

Total: 2 ports

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