Ruby 1.9 as default

Steve Wills swills at
Fri Jun 8 00:07:46 UTC 2012

On 06/07/12 17:57, Steve Wills wrote:
> This is expected. Try setting RUBY_DEFAULT_VER instead.

I probably should have been more clear about this. The ruby ports only
create ${PREFIX}/bin/ruby for the default ruby. So if you have ruby 1.9
installed but it is not the default ruby, you won't have it. Setting
RUBY_DEFAULT_VER=1.9 in /etc/make.conf will help with this.

Likewise, I should have mentioned in my original mail that if anyone
wants to test Ruby 1.9 as the default in anticipation of the switch,
setting RUBY_DEFAULT_VER=1.9 in /etc/make.conf and rebuilding Ruby
related ports is the way to go. The more people who do this and report
issues before the switch happens, the better. I'd really appreciate any
and all reports of success or failure.


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