ports/154958: [REPOCOPY] databases/rubygem-sqlite3 --> databases/rubygem-sqlite3-ruby

Stanislav Sedov stas at FreeBSD.org
Thu Mar 3 00:25:20 UTC 2011

On Thu, 3 Mar 2011 07:52:24 +0800
wen heping <wenheping at gmail.com> mentioned:

> 2011/3/3 Stanislav Sedov <stas at freebsd.org>:
> > Why we can't patch rubygem-rails-app-installer to use a proper library instead?
> Ok, then please patch it.
> > The rubygem-sqlite3-ruby name looks ridiculous.
> The name came from upstream, not ridiculous.

The upstream name is "sqlite3-ruby".  Nobody is forcing us to add rubygems
to our ports tree, there's always a plain version which is more universal
and even preferrable.  The app will continue to work anyway because it
still 'require' a proper thing, it's the gem system itself that's the problem.
And in any case, the port name doesn't have anything to do with the gem
it installs.

Stanislav Sedov

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