about last portupgrade/ruby version

Steve Wills swills at FreeBSD.org
Wed Aug 24 01:29:20 UTC 2011


Thanks for the report and the patch. I believe we have fixed the issue
you reported below, but due to other issues we've reverted the default
version of ruby to 1.9. I you have trouble, please let us know and we
will try to assist.


On 08/22/11 19:21, Barbara wrote:
> I know that nowadays most people are fond of postamaster, anyway I'm still 
> using portupgrade because I've done a lot of scripts using its utilities and no 
> time/will to rework them using different tools.
> Yesterday I upgraded sysutils/libchk, which, I think, pulled in lang/ruby19.
> So I decided to rebuild the other ports still depending on ruby18 and removing 
> it.
> Now, when I run portversion -l "<", I get an error caused by a bad encoding
> [Updating the portsdb <format:bdb_btree> in /usr/ports ... - 22745 port 
> entries found .........1000.........2000.........3000........./usr/ports/INDEX-
> 8:3905:invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII
> 4000.........5000.........6000.........7000.........8000.........9000.........
> 10000.........11000.........12000.........13000.........14000.........
> 15000.........16000.........17000.........18000.........19000.........
> 20000.........21000.........22000....... ..... done]
> which seems to be caused by fr-belote-20061109_3 entry at line #7405.
> So probably there is a problem in portversion as ruby19 is more picky about 
> encoding.
> I think that /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9/portsdb.rb should be patched as 
> follow (if INDEX-n isn't supposed to be an ASCII file):
> --- portsdb.rb.orig	2011-08-21 22:57:12.000000000 +0200
> +++ portsdb.rb	2011-08-22 22:45:44.000000000 +0200
> @@ -564,7 +564,7 @@
>        index_files = shelljoin(index_file) + ' '
>        index_files.concat(@alt_index_files.join(' '))
> -      open("| sort #{index_files}") do |f|
> +      open("| sort #{index_files}", 'r:utf-8') do |f|
>  	f.each_with_index do |line, i|
>  	  lineno = i + 1
> or maybe using 'rb' instead of 'r:utf-8'
> Anyway there is a more worrying (to me) problem: trying to upgrade some ports 
> (e.g. devel/apache-ant) I get this:
> # portupgrade -Rp devel/apache-ant
> [Gathering depends for devel/apache-ant 
> ................................................. done]
> [Exclude up-to-date packages 
> ................................................................... done]
> ** No origin recorded: ["icu-4.8.1"]
> ** Specify one with -o option, or run 'pkgdb -F' to interactively fix it.
> /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9/pkgtools.rb:953:in `initialize': 
> ArgumentError (ArgumentError)
> 	from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:1004:in `new'
> 	from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:1004:in `rescue in do_upgrade'
> 	from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:1007:in `do_upgrade'
> 	from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:814:in `block (2 levels) in main'
> 	from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:810:in `each'
> 	from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:810:in `block in main'
> 	from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9/optparse.rb:799:in `initialize'
> 	from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:231:in `new'
> 	from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:231:in `main'
> 	from /usr/local/sbin/portupgrade:2219:in `<main>'
> while it works without -R. (and this is not the only port).
> I wasn't seeing such an error since very long time, and as far as I can 
> remember it was fixed at a certain point in time!!!
> Running 'pkgdb -F' does nothing.
> Finally, /usr/ports/Tools/script/plist isn't working anymore, throwing the 
> following two lines:
> /usr/ports/Tools/scripts/plist:56: Invalid next
> /usr/ports/Tools/scripts/plist: compile error (SyntaxError)
> But ATM I'm too sleepy to figure out how to fix it.
> Barbara
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