What's the coolest thing you do in Ruby?

Redd Vinylene reddvinylene at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 17:29:27 UTC 2008

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:37 AM, Stanislav Sedov <stas at freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Aug 2008 11:09:36 +0200
> "Redd Vinylene" <reddvinylene at gmail.com> mentioned:
>> Hello hello!
>> I was sorta shocked when I found out this mailinglist even existed.
>> Being a newcomer to Ruby, though, extremely passionate about it, I'd
>> like to ask you all this question:
>> What's the coolest thing you do in Ruby?
>> As for me, I envision myself to one day, after having achieved
>> complete mastery, to make some CLI suite of scripts to do the same
>> thing http://www.native-instruments.com, http://www.digidesign.com,
>> various VST effects/instruments and other interesting audio signal
>> processors. I envision myself creating an "army" of (fully legit)
>> moneymaking scripts, as part of my quest to becoming a wealthy and
>> successful IT entrepreneur.
>> So how about you guys?
> Seems that you have a nice working plan:-) AFAIK, there're no
> good quality open VST software our there, so you project should
> have a great success. I also think Ruby is a very good platform
> for this as it allows a great level of abstraction and iterative
> way of building software.
> As for me, I haven't done anything great in ruby yet. My biggest
> project in ruby is the distributed task system, that we use for
> our projects. It allows to submit jobs and track the status of
> job in realtime, while the working processes (workers) could
> attach to the bus and take tasks for execution. However, there
> seems to be memory leaks in the system somewhere, which I'm still
> trying to get rid of. So I may admit ruby isn't still quite
> ready for 24x7 mode projects, or I can't write in ruby well:-)
> Good luck with you projects! You can always ask for a help here.
> --
> Stanislav Sedov
> ST4096-RIPE

Good luck to you too man! :-)


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