network.subr _aliasN handling

dteske at dteske at
Sat Feb 22 01:17:52 UTC 2014

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Nielsen [mailto:lists at]
> Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 9:06 AM
> To: Devin Teske
> Cc: Jason Hellenthal; rc at; net at
> Subject: Re: network.subr _aliasN handling
> On Jan 4, 2014, at 4:25 AM, Teske, Devin <Devin.Teske at>
> > On Jan 4, 2014, at 2:59 AM, Jason Hellenthal wrote:
> >
> >> I believe I know what you mean by that but in a way scares me when
you say
> sort as in mixing up the original order they appear in which I would
find to be
> really unattractive to most.
> >
> > It's not as scary as it sounds.
> >
> > The issue is that the variables are sorted alphabetically, instead of
> > numerically.
> >
> > Let's take four words: foo1, foo2, foo10, and foo20.
> > If you sort them alphabetically, you get:
> >
> > 	foo1
> > 	foo10
> > 	foo2
> > 	foo20
> >
> > You'll notice this when doing a directory listing, as that too is
> > sorted alphabetically.
> >
> > This is why "alias14" is run before "alias8" and "alias9". Because
> > they are processed in alphabetically sorted order. I didn't do
> > anything to sort the values, they came pre-sorted in alphabetic order.
> >
> > If I simply throw in a "| sort -n", then it will change it to
numerically sorted.
> > As you might expect, numerically sorting the above list would result
> >
> > 	foo1
> > 	foo2
> > 	foo10
> > 	foo20
> >
> > Trivial really. I'll throw a patch at you when I get some cycles
> Hi Devin, Jason-
> I've been behind on my mailing list e-mail for a while, but I really
like the idea
> and the patch proposed here. I don't see anything like it in head yet,
so ... Ping?
> :)
> JN
[Devin Teske] 

*** this time with attached patch.txt ***

Hi JN, here's a new patch that incorporates numerical sorting as well as
the original patch set out to do ... make "gaps" possible (so that you
comment out an alias without having to renumber all the ones following).

Give it a look, let me know what you think.

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