Proposal ipv6_addrs_common

Doug Barton dougb at
Mon Feb 6 22:08:42 UTC 2012

On 02/06/2012 13:47, Hiroki Sato wrote:
>  It actually depends on the newline

That's way too fragile, as users are likely to put them all in one line
since shell syntax doesn't differentiate (assuming non-wacky values of IFS).

> because the following code is used:
> ---
> foo="
> 	foo
> 	bar
> 	baz
> "
> echo "$foo" | while read L; do echo $L; done

Yeah, don't do that. Aside from the useless fork that you'll cause, you
can just as easily write:

for L in $foo; do

(Note that $foo is *not* quoted there ...)



	It's always a long day; 86400 doesn't fit into a short.

	Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge in the DNS.
	Yours for the right price.  :)

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