procname when ruby is used

Doug Barton dougb at
Thu Aug 30 01:38:55 UTC 2012

On 08/29/2012 09:28 AM, Steve Wills wrote:
> Hi,
> I've encountered a situation with an rc script that I'm not sure how to
> solve. The issue is summarized well in this PR:
> Basically, the "ruby" that's in use can vary because ruby 1.8 or ruby
> 1.9 may be used. There may be "ruby", "ruby18" or "ruby19" or perhaps
> other things. There is a function in the that replaces the
> shebang lines of ruby scripts, causing the issue in the PR (which I've
> verified). I'm not sure how I can change the rc script to accommodate
> the variance. Any suggestions?

I'm pretty sure you actually want to use command_interpreter instead of
procname. It should actually be very rare to use procname directly in an
rc.d script.

That said, I understand the problem you are dealing with, and I agree
that we don't have a clean solution for it. I dealt with something
similar in net-mgmt/hawk, you might want to take a look at that.
Basically I brute-forced the shebang line in the installed script and
the value of command_interpreter in the rc.d script to both match
${PERL}. Not sure if that exact solution will work for you, but
hopefully it gives you some ideas.


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