RC system and monit

Tom Rhodes trhodes at FreeBSD.org
Fri Mar 18 15:47:13 UTC 2011

On Thu, 17 Mar 2011 21:59:06 -0400
Harlan Stenn <Harlan.Stenn at pfcs.com> wrote:

> Thanks Brandon, I'll check that out.
> H

Meant to follow up but Brandon beat me to it.  The current way
fscd handles processes that die is try, give up.  It won't go
into a vicious loop attempting to restart something that is
just failing.  It will also log the event (stop reason, attempt
to start, success||fail) so you can check messages.  I've
thought about coming up with a method to plug this into
Nagios but I just moved into a new place and have a TON of
work to do.  But I love to hear feedback, even if I don't
get back with you right away.  Cheers,

Tom Rhodes

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