[PATCH] Add /etc/rc.d/vimage startup script for creating vnet jails

Devin Teske devin.teske at fisglobal.com
Sat Aug 27 18:03:42 UTC 2011

Hi All,

I'd like to submit a patch for review (attached) that adds a new /etc/rc.d script named "vimage".


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Essentially, a hand-tweaked version of /etc/rc.d/jail with added/removed features.

Here's how we're using it in /etc/rc.conf to successfully start up vimage jails at boot time:

========== BEGIN EXCERPT ==========
# Vimages
vimage_enable="YES"     # Set to NO to disable starting of any vimages
" # Space-separated list of names of vimages
clone_interfaces=""     # Initialize list of epair/bridge interfaces to create

# Global settings for all Vimages

####################### VIMAGE: vnettest
cloned_interfaces="$cloned_interfaces epair0 bridge0"
ifconfig_bridge0="addm fxp0 addm epair0a"
vimage_vnettest_rootdir="/usr/jails/vnettest"           # root directory
vimage_vnettest_hostname="vnettest.jbsd.vicor.com"      # hostname
vimage_vnettest_devfs_enable="YES"                      # mount devfs
vimage_vnettest_vnets="epair0b"                         # network interfaces

####################### VIMAGE: {name}
#cloned_interfaces="$cloned_interfaces epair{N} bridge{N}"
#ifconfig_bridge{N}="addm {iface} addm epair{N}a"
#vimage_{name}_rootdir="/usr/jails/{name}"              # root directory
#vimage_{name}_hostname="{hostname}"                    # hostname
#vimage_{name}_devfs_enable="YES"                       # mount devfs
#vimage_{name}_vnets="epair{N}b"                        # network interfaces
========== END EXCERPT ==========


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